There isn’t enough evidence at this point to unequivocally prove that spiritual phenomena can be scientifically explained. That being acknowledged, Crystal Voyager explores this question by presenting what has been discovered that bridges these disparate worlds closer together. Quite a bit of research has been done by credible physicists, doctors, and academics to support the efficacy of energy healing for all kinds of physical, mental, and emotional ailments. I will be citing these sources so you can decide for yourself if they make plausible sense. Even though I am not a scientist, I want to summarize some basic scientific concepts that will further your understanding of energy on a deeper level. I am currently researching and writing this material and will be sharing it upon completion. For now, the following is a succinct and general introduction to energetic practicum.





What does it mean to be spiritual? Unlike any formalized religion, there are no official doctrines or strict definitions. I consider myself a spiritual person because I believe there is something bigger at play. I have faith in an energy, force, entity, however you want to connect to it, that is responsible for all creation. God, Creator, the Divine... call it whatever feels comfortable for you. I refer to it here as Source or Universal Source, but the idea of it is the same regardless of naming convention. Source is completely pure energy with the highest vibration in existence. It is infinite and unconditional light and love. It is what comprises the Universe that we exist in. Energy can come in many different forms, shapes, and vibrations but it all originates from Source.

The other reason I identify as spiritual is because I believe that Source created each person for a purpose. Each one of us enters the world because Source wants us to have the experience of living a fully realized and whole existence in physical form. We are not in control of the situations that we are presented with, as we are to trust that there is something of value we are meant to ascertain from the experience (perhaps an insight, a lesson, knowledge, or a catalyst). These events occur so that we can evolve into the most advanced version of who we are meant to be here on Earth, known as our higher self. Since Source gave us free will, we are in control of how we energetically respond to what we encounter. Each one of us gets to determine how our lives unfold by choosing the direction we go. We are meant to operate in sync with Source by using the energy of our higher self as our compass. When we do this we embrace our authentic essence and receive all we need to be fulfilled.




FIG. 3 — If you are spiritually inclined, connecting with a realm that exists beyond physical parameters is an easy process. For others, the opposite is true. The idea that you can access an intangible dimension is impossible to fathom, so you adhere only to what you can see. As with all polarities, the ultimate goal is learning how to operate between these extremes. If you dwell only in the physical world, you limit your power and the possibilities of what you can achieve. If you are constantly trying to escape to the ethereal world because life on this planet seems menial, you also limit what you can achieve by failing to be present where you were consciously placed. By committing yourself to finding the balance between the physical and spiritual, you continually expand and grow until your higher self is able to materialize in your current form. As human beings, we are here to manifest in the physical world we were made for. We can do this with great success, we just have to understand how to work with energy. Regardless of how developed your intuition is, we are all sensitive to energetic stimuli. When you enter a space and it feels amazing you might not be able to pinpoint why, but it is because you are energetically resonating with the vibrations around you. When you approach someone and you can immediately sense that they are in a bad mood, you are responding to their energetic output. Our physical senses help us to discern energy, but we are not meant to be entirely reliant on them as they can be quite misleading.









FIG. 4 — Everything in the material world is made from energy. Matter is coagulated energy. At its most basic level, all matter can be reduced down to atoms, which are composed of minuscule particles “glued” by energetic bonds. Everything on Earth is made from less than 100 kinds of occurring atoms, all of which are listed on The Periodic Table. Combinations of atoms, bound by another array of energetic forces, are known as molecules. Each type of molecule emits a vibration, determined by how much energy is used to hold the atoms together. Humans are complex beings made from many molecules. We are constantly performing many different kinds of chemical processes fueled by the intake of energy from external sources. The various systems in our bodies, including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, release energy, which can be measured by the electromagnetic frequencies that emanate from a person’s body. While energy is neutral, the way it is focused and applied determines how we qualify it. Negative emotions such as pain and anger register at lower frequencies (FIG. 5), where as positive emotions such as love and gratitude register at higher frequencies (FIG. 6). How a person is using and directing their energy is what determines the frequencies they project. Together they comprise a person’s aura, which is the commonly used term in spiritual lingo for the electromagnetic fields that radiate from every human. The energy of the aura is the sum total of our thoughts and feelings. We attract into our lives things (people, dynamics, scenarios etc.) that have the same vibrations as what we are outputting in our aura. When we are born, we arrive perfectly calibrated to match the energy of our higher self. As we encounter situations that transpire to guide us to our ultimate purpose, we are responsible for how we choose to behave and what the quality is of the energy we sustain. If we act in accordance with Source on behalf of our higher self, we maintain our authentic vibration and we draw towards us our divine inheritance -- including love, joy, gratitude, and abundance.




So where do things go awry? Because Source gave us free will, we don’t always behave in ways that serve our best interest. As children we are exposed to beliefs about ourselves and the world from family, peers, and society at large. We might also experience a singular trauma or series of events that strongly shape our perception. Whatever we are consistently conditioned with, especially what provokes an intense emotional response, is what gets wired into our developing brains. In our early years we are impressionable and not always capable of discerning if the information we are absorbing is actually true or reflective of our authentic selves. These unreliable observations that we use to shape our system of beliefs about who we are is what creates our “egos”. We start forgoing our intuition, which is an indication of being in alignment with our higher self, instead relying on the programming of our ego to dictate our responses. When we stray from that which resonates with our authentic vibration, the more we alter the energy we radiate. Feelings of imbalance ensue and we start drawing more of which we don’t want into our reality. We can make this a metaphorical comparison to a printer with ink. When you buy a new printer, all of the color cartridges are equally full and thus everything prints out looking exactly as it should. This is how you are born, balanced and ready to go. Over time, you may start to use more black ink then yellow and now without that supply of black ink, things are appearing completely wrong. You have to replenish the black cartridge to get the printer to function as it once did. Perhaps the cyan is running low as well, and will also need to be adjusted to avoid a future issue. If a person is constantly feeling angry and using all of their energetic capacity towards producing this chemical response, the vibration they produce is overwhelmingly low. If we are the printer then crystals are the ink cartridges.








FIG. 8 & 9 — Crystals, unlike humans, have fixed molecular structures. The energy they radiate is stable because they are not complicated and emotional. How do crystals produce energy if they are not alive? This is where a common misconception about crystals needs to be clarified. Crystals are little storage units for energy but they require a source of external energy to actually work. People think crystals are just going to do something for them without any effort or interaction on their part. This is akin to expecting any electronic piece of equipment that requires batteries to work without putting any batteries in it first. Crystals can hold onto energy from natural sources, like the sun and moon, but we can also supply them with our own energy. Just like humans, once filled with energy, crystals produce their own electromagnetic fields with their own unique vibration (FIG. 11). Depending on their characteristics such as molecular structure, chemical composition, geographic origin, and color, each crystal possesses a unique flavor. We can introduce the vibration of a crystal into our energy fields to altar the way we operate. We are refilling our body with the colors of ink we need to return to our original authentic essence we were meant to be at to produce perfect prints. Energy work allows us to reclaim control and restore our factory settings to function as our best selves. Used in conjunction with visualization techniques and meditation, stones assist us with rewiring our brains so we are acting in alignment with our higher self, rather than returning to the unwanted programming that was installed in us by foreign sources, not from Source itself. We shift our energy back in alignment with Source and now we are able to successfully continue satisfying our purpose for being here.


FIG. 10


FIG. 11


FIG. 1-11


FIG. 7 — Leon Berkowitz, "The Pool II", 1976. © Hollis Taggart

FIG. 8 — R. Buckminster Fuller, “Conceptuality of Fundamental Structures from Structure in Art and in Science”, 1965.

FIG. 9 — Anatase, “Color Treasury of Crystals”, 1973.

FIG. 10 — Quartz from China, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 18th Century.

FIG. 11 — Laue diffraction pattern for a thin section of quartz.